Jun 27, 2009


"Oh My..."


May 11, 2009

Manitoba's provincial bird...

It's almost that season again.

May 6, 2009

Churchill vs Swine Flu

Who will win?

I predict Churchill will win. He's been through both World Wars. That man's got game, baby.

Let's hear your votes people!

Apr 28, 2009

Sir Crabberly Chamberlain the Third

This is Sir Crabberly Chamberlain the Third.  He invades peoples dreams and sucks out their brains while they're asleep.  Don't eat crab before going to bed.


First things first: Not a nazi (spits).

This is an Indian guy I drew from a picture I found that was taken during a festival called Holi (a.k.a. The Festival of Colours). I don't know much about it, but what I do know is that, basically, everyone parties and throws water mixed with coloured pigments at each other and it sounds like one of the most fun things I have ever heard of.

Apr 27, 2009

Aleister Crowley

What a strange man. Fun to draw though.

Apr 14, 2009


This is Ryan, my friend since childhood.  This is one of my favorite portraits I have done so far. 

Apr 11, 2009


He's a comin for you
Nothin you can do
Flee for your lives
Unstoppable...uh...beast of...destruction...?

Apr 3, 2009

Russian Orthodox Priest

God bless National Geographic and its endless supply of pictures to draw from...

Mar 14, 2009

Some new drawrings

A tribute to all those husbands/boyfriends/girlfriends that are left alone because of their significant others' obsession with poorly written books.

Edward Cullen is a wanker.

I'll definitely be sleeping on the couch for that...

A little something I did in my spare time.  Not that I really have any spare time.

Feb 18, 2009

Windy Old Guy

Yet another in-class exercise on, uh, paying attention.

Jan 16, 2009

An in-class excercise

Not to say that this had ANYTHING to do with the lecture that the prof was giving us that day...

Some other old-ish drawings

Mask #1 -

This drawing was the first part of a series I did a few years ago in my drawing majors class. I made several drawings of faces covered in these wicker-ish masks. Although I never quite finished the series off, unfortunately, there were a few drawings I still kept around. It might be something I'll pick up again later on.

Biomorph -

This was just something I found in the corner of one of my old sketchbooks.

The First Post

I did this drawing some time in early 2008 for an art trade with a friend of mine (who has yet to cough up his own piece...ahem).  We were having a discussion about decorative "bathroom art", and thought it was funny how some people love hanging bad model-home abstract art, or black and white photos of fruit above their toilets.  I thought it would be interesting (and, moreso, funny) to make something that would make people feel uncomfortable, and awkward while doing their lavatorial duties.  And what could do this better than a psychedelic looking homeless man in the middle of a bad trip staring over your shoulder?  Or, for men, staring you right in the face.  Anyways, this is it.